Professional Studio Work

Below is a list of my professional game development work.

Disney Mirrorverse [KABAM Principal Animator 2023]

  On Mirrorverse I worked with the character team creating testing and implementing animation, assisting the tech art team testing rigs and providing feedback for useful and needed features and pitching animation concepts to the art director, stake holders, and client [Disney]

Prototype Team [KABAM Principal Animator 2022]

  Worked with the team to explore different gameplay ideas and evolve the game closer into a polished product, implemented animation and revised existing animation from other studio projects to work for protoype purposes

Hobby Games and Personal Projects

   Below are some game design/programming projects I have worked on over the past few years, all of this was just for fun to learn how to use unity or program, most of my projects are all open source.

Five Parsecs From home Randomizer

  This is a little WIP project im working on in my free time [so pretty much never] that is designed to help players create a crew for 5 parsecs from home without having to roll a billion dice. It's a decent example of the sort of stuff that i do with python though. To try it out you need to clone my git repository and launch it from the command line, no GUI for this one unfortunatly.


  This game was made back in around 2018 or 2017 for a gamejam with hawaiian native Erik Priest. We met in a unity game dev class and decided that it would be fun to see if we could take a crack at a simple Castlevania clone. I did all the art assets and some of the coding, Erik did the rest of the coding and the level and game design.

  We didnt end up winning the gamejam but it was awesome to get a little bit of experience colaberating with another person to make a game as a small team.

Fusion Tales

  This game prototype that I developed during 2013 with Actionscript 3 and the FlashPunk Libraries, it takes the player flying through space and requires that they trade resources between planets that orbit the sun or 'Sol'.
  Certain planets will buy and sell resources at variable prices; its up to you to cut a profit, keep your ship in good shape, and your crew alive.

  This game is in pre-alpha and is currently not being developed further.

  Controls: WASD to move.

  Hold “E” to dock and “R” to undock from planets.

  "SPACEBAR" fires primary weapons (shots fire toward mouse).

  "O" and "P" change what planet the compass points to.

  There are some incomplete systems within this game that have not been implemented (Torpedoes/Velocity Meter).

  In this build you are immediately ambushed. I developed this because was testing combat balancing.

  PRO TIP: You can kill ships using your thruster by cooking the crew alive inside the ships!

  FUN FACT: In Fusion Tales, all of the planets revolve around the sun at the relative speed they do in real life, although they are sped up exponentially. The planets are also the correct relative distance from the sun.